Online Guide
• New features • Commands • Using Acrobat Distiller • Creating PostScript files • Converting PostScript files to PDF • Choosing Distiller job options • Using Distiller on a network • Troubleshooting
New features
This section describes the new features available in Acrobat Distiller 3.0, which make it easier for you to create smaller, more efficient PDF documents.
Automatic orientation. •Most landscape pages are oriented to a landscape position in Distiller for correct display in Acrobat Exchange or Reader.
Automating Document Info field entry.
Distiller 3.0 will automatically include certain Document Structuring Comments (DSC) information found in a PostScript file as Document Info field data. The DSC comments For, Title, and Creator are converted to Author, Title, and Creator Document Info fields, respectively.
Distiller Assistant. Distiller Assistant, the utility that makes it easy to create a PDF file with Distiller in one step, is now available on the Macintosh.
Font subsetting. Distiller 3.0 allows you to set the character threshold that determines when to subset a font to reduce file size.
Compressing fonts. Distiller uses the new compressed Type 1C font format to reduce file size when 3.0 compatibility is chosen. Type 1C fonts reduce file size by compressing the fonts. A font that is 30K can be compressed to as little as 7K with the new font format. Image Resampling. Distiller 3.0 offers two methods of resampling; downsampling and subsampling. Subsampling is faster than downsampling but may result in a color shift. See Using downsampling and subsampling to reduce file size for more information.
Advanced Options. Distiller 3.0 provides the ability to control the printing-specific information maintained in a PDF file for use in outputting to high-end printing systems. See Choosing Advanced Options settings for information.
File Edit Undo Cut Copy Paste Clear
Using the Open command