Edward Scissorhands is first introduced to us when Peg, a door to door makeup saleswoman, approaches and enters the supposedly haunted and unoccupied mansion on the outskirts of the town. As Peg climbs the staircase, nearing the top floor, Tim Burton uses very subtle, eerie and suspenseful music. This technique gives the viewer a sense of mystery about what Peg will find. When Peg reaches the top level of the mansion, she …show more content…
This theme is shown in Edward primarily through his actions and the reactions of those around him. The people of suburbia project their own idea of what Edward should be like onto him. They are originally delighted by his ability to create excitement and change their usual lacklustre lives, and bland environment in which they live. However, they are deterred by the darkness and pain of his past which makes him who he is. These people prove to be far more destructive than Edward, except for Peg’s daughter, Kim, who finds the accompanying creativity and humanity within Edward so interesting and attractive. “If he weren’t up there now … I don’t think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.” By coming down into the world of the suburbs, Edward brings the contrast and depth that life requires, but he is soon expelled for challenging the boring, conforming life behind which the suburban characters