Tim Burton can be considered an auteur due to his use of a …show more content…
In particular, in Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton has utilised costuming and the actions of the character Edward to explore the idea of the power of your true identity has. This relates to the previous discussion on Burton showing special concerns about outcasts through his use of colour palette, as outcasts often change their identity to fit in. However through the characterisation of Edward burton is telling the viewer that you don't need to change who you are, as are who you are and that okay. This is seen at the end of the selected sequence, as a long shot allows the audience to see the black leather suit with a number of buckles that Edward is wearing. His costume is peculiar and has similarities to a straight jacket, but practically it is suitable for him. Meaning that thick heavy fabric will stop him from cutting himself with his scissor hands. The audience also sees how Edwards costume is part of him later on in the film when Peg takes Edward home and tries to dress him in a normal white shirt and grey pants. He is unable to take his leather suit off and has to put the normal clothes over top. This is because it is part of him and the director is trying to say to the audience that the character, although trying to fit into a new environment, he is remaining true to himself to keep his true identity at his core. This is also seen through his actions, because despite the fact that Edward was actually a vulnerable character who wanted to be loved, as seen through his dialogue, “wait, don’t go” during the sequence, Edward ends up back where he started, alone and isolated in his