Tim burton uses clothing and colour to juxtapose characters, give them meaning and to set a mood. Edward is in black while Kim is in white which juxtaposes each other because white represent angels and black represents a demonic statue which shows us that they can’t ever be together. Edward's clothes are a tight black leather suit with metal accessories which makes him look like he is rebellious punk with “no future”. In the scene where Edward cuts the ice sculpture there is a heavy use of white and use of slow motion and the close up on Kim creates a romantic setting. And because of this use of white it makes Kim look like an angel which is reinforced by Edward cutting the ice sculpture like an angel. This is how it reflects Tim Burton as an auteur.
He uses significant turning points to give the characters meaning. In the scene where Kim wraps Edward’s scissors around herself it is an emotional turning point for Edward, Kim sees beyond his disabilities and he ignores his disabilities for once. In the scene where Edward cuts the hedges and pops a tire we think that he is a pest to society. However when Edward sits by the roadside and the dog sits by him, Edward cuts the dog’s hair so it would be able to see. Now we are reminded that he is caring and not a pest. This is a technique that reflects Tim Burton as an auteur.
There is contrast between Edwards’s house and the suburbs. This is to contrast Edward’s dark and lonely life and the bright and happy life that the suburbs have. The bright colour of the suburban houses and the dark and