Richard Estes
Judith Longmeyer
22 JUNE 2014
Edward Snowden has been referred as a Hero in various news media and several newspaper articles. Edward Snowden is one of the biggest traitors our country has ever seen. Douglas Rushkoff from CNN refers to Snowden as a Hero. Snowden is compared to whistle blower Daniel Ellsberg for leaking the “Pentagon Papers” .The “Pentagon Papers” have nothing to do with taking 4 laptops of information of every surveillance program the United States has and defecting the country.
Edward Snowden claims he started as security guard for the National Security Agency. He went on to work for the Central Intelligence Agency in 2006 in the information technology department. He also claims to have worked for civilian contractors employed by …show more content…
They claim he exposed the world that the United States was illegally monitoring our privacy. Who cares if a computers data log our privacy looking for keywords that terrorist use if it makes us safer. The Pentagon might need to spend billions to overcome the damage done to military security by Edward Snowden's release of classified intelligence documents (Capra, 2014). The NSA also said it will take decades to overcome the damage of Snowden defecting to China and Russia. Our country is less safe now because of the Edward Snowden leaks. The public and ignorant columnist will never know the details because what he stole was classified. Snowden was charged with theft, “unauthorized communication of national defense information” and “willful communication of classified communications intelligence information to an unauthorized person,” according to the complaint. The last two charges were brought under the 1917 Espionage Act (Flinn, 2013). He will eventually spend the rest of his life in prison and he is definitely not a