Chapter Objectives
Explain the reasons behind passage of equal employment opportunity (EEO) legislation.
Prepare an outline describing the major EEO laws and the employment practices they prohibit. Describe what a bona fide occupational qualification is.
Understand why sexual harassment, immigration reform, and other practices such as discrimination based on a person’s weight, appearance, and sexual orientation have become equal employment opportunity issues.
Explain how the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures were developed and how firms use them to ensure they are abiding by the law.
Understand the concepts of adverse impact and disparate treatment.
Understand EEOC …show more content…
Possibly the unintentional result of an innocent act, yet the outcome is still discriminatory.
Determining Discrimination
Adverse Rejection Rate, or Four-Fifths Rule
Rule of thumb followed by the EEOC in determining adverse impact for use in enforcement proceedings.
According to the Uniform Guidelines, a selection program has an adverse impact when the selection rate for any racial, ethnic, or sex class is less than four-fifths (or 80 percent) of the rate of the class with the highest selection rate.
The four-fifths rule is not a legal definition of discrimination, rather it is used to monitor severe discrimination practices.
2. _______________________________________
An employer’s intentional unequal treatment or evaluation by different standards of protected-class members.
A situation in which protected class members receive unequal treatment or are evaluated by different standards
A process of classifying protected-class members by number and by the type of job they hold within the organization
Enforcing Equal Employment
Opportunity Legislation
Composition of EEOC
Five members and a general counsel appointed by the president and confirmed by the