Before Constantine came into power, Maxentius ruled Italy. During his reign, many Romans were slaughtered and Christianity was looked down upon. Constantine was planning to go into battle with Maxentius, but "he sought divine assistance" (266). He received a vision where he was told to bear the Saviour's name on a cross and be victorious in battle. He did this and later defeated Maxentius at The Battle of the Milvian Bridge. Soon after becoming ruler, he made the gradual conversion to Christianity and abandoned his old pagan practices. In the Edict of Milan (313), Constantine officially made the Christian religion legal and thus protecting it. In the past Christian followers suffered great persecution and the religion itself was forbidden and shunned. But with the conversion of Constantine, much of that changed,
For in the first place, the tyrants, being themselves alienated from the true God, had enforced by every compulsion the worship of false deities: Constantine convinced mankind by actions as well as words, that these had but an imaginary existence, and exhorted them to acknowledge the only true God. (275)
Constantine's conversion