Impact of inflation and unemployment on gdp growth : A Case of PAKISTAN
Mehreen aslam
Abstract ---------------------------------
Introduction --------------------------------
Literature Veiw ----------------------------
Data and Methodology --------------------
OLS Methodology --------------------------
Conclusion -----------------------------------
References -------------------------------------
This paper focus on the impact of inflation and unemployment on Pakistan economy using data from WDI(world development indicator)for the period of 1990-2008. Literature review is cited, and conclusion are drawn by applying OLS methodology
KEYWORDS: Inflation;unemployment;Pakistan economy
Problem of inflation and unemployment are common that are effecting Pakistan economy. In this paper I will present the concept of inflation and unemployment in general than discuss result that how it will effect the economy.
The economy of Pakistan is 27th largest in the world in term of (ppp) and considered 44th in term of nominal gdp.
However, due to huge population Pakistan has very low per captia income.pakistan economy is facing different challenges like poverty, low per captia income,price instability, large budget deficit and most important Pakistan is wasting its resources by playing its role against war on terror.pakistan is wasting financial as well as human resources’.
Pakistan’s economy continues to face numerous domestic and external shocks from 2007 onwards. Economic performance was affected from the devastating floods and rains, the internal security hazards, and the energy crisis. The economy of Pakistan during the last five years grew on average at the rate of 2.9 percent per annum. Deterioration in the power sector is the main constraint on growth. It is true that the energy crisis is frustrating the