Submitted by:
G. Madhuri – PGP/17/268
Kunal Hande – PGP/17/272
Ranjeet Wadatkar – PGP/17/304
Table of Contents
1. Acknowledgement 3
2. Executive summary 4
3. Purpose and Scope 5
4. Introduction 6
5. Literature Review 7
6. Methodology 10
7. Data Analysis and Finding 11
8. Conclusion 17
9. Views and Recommendations 18
10. Limitations 19
11. References 20
We express our deep sense of gratitude and whole hearted thanks to our project guide Prof. Deepa Sethi, Assistant Professor in Humanities and Liberal arts in Management, without her supervision, inspiration and valuable inputs, we would not have completed our project work. She showed us the right approach and the flawless concepts put forward by her were the pillars in making our project rigid and free from errors in the first attempt itself. Her guidance helped us solve all the difficulties which we faced time and again. We would also like to thank the students and all fellow individuals who devoted their precious time in filling our survey for guiding us towards the success of our project. At the end we extend our gratitude towards our Institute for keeping Managerial Communication in our syllabus and thereby giving us an opportunity to be a part of this project.
Executive summary
With the aim of studying the influence of teamwork on interpersonal skills and personality development, a comprehensive questionnaire documenting the intricacies of behavioural skills observed in groups, was evaluated using a sample of 100 random opinions by floating a survey on social media. Major
References: ▪ Ashlea C. Troth, Peter J. Jordan and Sandra A. Lawrence (2012). Emotional Intelligence, Communication Competence and Students Perceptions of Team Social Cohesion . Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30, 414-425. ▪ Sandra Kiffin-Peterson and John Cordery (2010). Trust, individualism and job characteristics as predictors of employee preference for teamwork. The International journal of Human Resource Management, 14:1, 93-116. ▪ Richard B. Powers and Kat Kirkpatrick (2012). Playing with Conflict: Teaching Conflict Resolution through Simulations and Games. Simulation & Gaming, 44(I), 51-72, Sage Publications. ▪ Jane Ford, David O 'Hare and Robert Henderson (2013). Putting the ' 'We ' ' Into Teamwork: Effects of Priming Personal or Social Identity on Flight Attendants ' Perceptions of Teamwork and Communication. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55, 499-509. ▪ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner 's_dilemma