Effective performance appraisals for developing and sustaining a high- performance appraisal system are based upon two key tenets. The first tenet suggests that if appraisal processes operate as a system. The second tenet is that individual manager’s play a pivotal role in achieving effective appraisals and that they need the right tools and support to be effective.
I. performance planning
. A. Employee & Management Engagement. It 's amazing that such dinosaurs (performance review systems, not the people) are still around 1. Clearly define why the organization conducts formal appraisals 2. Carefully developed and clearly articulated goals will enable managers to choose appraisal criteria that support the organization 's goals 3. Managers are held accountable for the quality of their appraisals and performance management activities. B. Effective system design without a proper foundation it is impossible to build a successful appraisal program. A good system design lays the groundwork and provides the manager with the necessary tools 1. Goals will enable managers to choose appraisal criteria that support the organization 's goals
2. Clear goals increase managers ' motivation to conduct appraisals properly and boost their interest in performance management 3. Especially true if managers are held accountable for the quality of their appraisals and performance management activities.
II. Performance management and ongoing coaching A. Top management must support and demonstrate effective appraisal practices. Systems to be 1. Effective, they must get support from top management 2. through written and oral communications with managers and employees. 3.
References: Fink, L.S. and Longenecker, C.O. "Training as a Performance Appraisal Improvement Strategy," Career Development International, 1998. Locker, H.A. and K.S. Teel, "Appraisal Trends," Personnel journal, September 1988. Longenecker, C.O. "Why Managerial Performance Appraisals Are Ineffective: Causes and Lessons," Career Development International, 1997. Longenecker, C.O. and Dj. Dwyer, "The Role of Human Resources Management in Creating Competitive Advantage," HR Advisor, May/June 1998. Longenecker, C.O. and L.S. Fink, "Keys to Designing and Running an Effective Appraisal System," Journal of Compensation and Benefits, November-December 1997. Longenecker, C.O. and S.A. Goff, " Performance Appraisal Effectiveness: A Matter of Perspective," SAM Advanced Management Journal, spring 1992. Smith, B.N., J.S. Hornsby, and R. Shirmeyer, "Current Trends in Performance Appraisal: An Examination of Managerial Practice, ' SAM Advanced Management Journal, summer 1996.