Effective Study skills are the sole foundation of a sound education
Word Count – 523
Effective study skills help a student to learn and build a sound education, but what works for one student may not work for another. A student needs to look at the different types of techniques available and see what works for them.
Examples of study skills are planning , note taking, effective writing, time management. ( Cottrell ,2013) explains that it isn't a great difference between the skills needed for academic study and those learned elsewhere. Students can draw upon previous education ( whether that has been over twenty years ago) or upon life challenges which have shaped their lives.
The study skills handbook goes on to define a “study skill” as more than just referencing academic skills and widens the the range of abilities to help in a student's academic endevour. Theses study skills can be broken down into 4 different areas, self management skills , academic skills, people skills and task management skills.
These study skills tackle the process of taking in and processing information. Any skill which enhances a student's chances of passing an exam can be classified as a study skill.
Wikipedia list several types of study skills or learning styles. Each has it's own way of teaching a student to learn / retain information. The following being examples , Rote learning, fousssing on key information using PQRST method., flashcard method, acronyms and mnemonics. There are too many types of study skills to mention here.
These effective study Study techniques are not everything to forming a sound education as there are many factors to be considered when making a statement such as the title of this essay above. No one item can be responsible for the sole foundation of a sound eduction.
The following items will be discussed .
Genetics: A person's willingness and desire to learn are key elements in their ability
References: wikipedia contributors. (2013). study skills. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_skills. Last accessed 15 aug 2013. Cottrell, S. (2013). 'The study skills handbook '.Edition 4, China, Palgrave Macmillan. Leanne Kendey. (2010). Factors that influence student success. Available: http://www.helium.com/items/1925840-factors-that-influence-student-success. Last accessed 13 Aug 2013. Friedrich Hiebler. (2008). International education statistics. Available: http://huebler.blogspot.ie/2008/08/hh-wealth.html. Last accessed 11 Aug 2013. Robert Plomin , Frank Spinath. (2004). Intelligence: Genetics, Genes, and Genomics. Available: http://webspace.pugetsound.edu/facultypages/cjones/chidev/Paper/Articles/Plomin-IQ.pdf. Last accessed 15 aug 2013.