SYSTEM- A set of detailed methods, procedures and routines created to carry out a specific activity, perform a duty, or solve a problem.
TOOLS -An item or implement used for a specific purpose. A tool can be a physical object such as mechanical tools including saws and hammers or a technical object such as a web authoring tool or software program. Furthermore, a concept can also be considered a tool. “Creativity is the tool which allows a child’s mind to grow.”
EQUIPMENT - the set of articles or physical resources serving to equipment of a person or thing: as the implements used in an operation
A tool is any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal, especially if the item is not consumed in the process. Informally the word is also used to describe a procedure or process with a specific purpose. Tool use by humansdates back millions of years, and other animals are also known to employ simple tools.
Tools that are used in particular fields or activities may have different designations such as "instrument", "utensil", "implement", "machine", or "apparatus". The set of tools needed to achieve a goal is "equipment". The knowledge of constructing, obtaining and using tools is technology.
Borrowing system
The NUB library is organized and maintained mainly to serve the students, faculty, and staff members of NUB. To avail the library facilities, the students must register themselves as library member by paying Tk. 100.00 as membership fee. Faculty and staff members will also register themselves (without paying membership fee) to borrow library materials.
Library members are entitled to borrow books, journals and other reading materials from the library for their own use. Library materials cannot be borrowed on behalf of others.
The students may borrow maximum 4 books (if available) at a time for 15 (fifteen) days.
Course related text books marked