Short Report
Health effects of bullying in the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra
This report is about the health effects bullying can have on workers at the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra (ASO). Requested by Louise Williams, researched and written by Carolyn Mooz.
What is Considered Bullying
According to Safe Work Australia (Safe Work Australia, FAQ) workplace bullying is any repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety. This can be demonstrated in many different ways such as hurtful comments making fun of your work, sexual harassment, excluding someone from workplace activities, playing mind games, withholding important …show more content…
information just to name a few. The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra (ASO) musicians work very closely with one another operating as a coalesced team dependent on mutual trust and respect but that doesn’t immune itself from bullying issues arising. Bullying between colleagues is often covert and malicious.
What isn’t Considered Bullying
‘Bullying does not include reasonable management action carried out in a reasonable manner’ Fair Work Act 2009 (Australia). Examples of reasonable management action might include disciplinary action for misconduct, performance management processes, telling a worker about their unsatisfactory work performance or inappropriate behaviour. Managers still have the right to discipline workers as long as it is done in an appropriate manner.
Health Effects of Bullying on the affected Worker
Quigg (2007 p.18) implies that stress and stress-related illnesses affect performance at work, health, emotional and mental wellbeing and home life. Noted effects of bullying include anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, low self-esteem and morale, ongoing stress-related illnesses and loss of confidence, resulting in reduced efficiency, absenteeism and unsafe work practices. The high frequency and long duration of hostile behaviour result in considerable mental, psychosomatic and social misery.
There is a direct negative relationship between workplace bullying and health. Workers who indicated that they had been bullied reported poorer health. And, breaking that down even further, the severity of the perceived impact of the bullying was significantly correlated with poorer health. (Gregor 2004).
Because the ASO musician group is a close knit team, reporting a case of bullying can be viewed by the target as extremely difficult or even impossible due to the ‘fallout’ that might occur. Therefore, the health implications can be magnified and snowball to more serious safety issues. In an “in-house” survey taken at the ASO, 70% of the musicians felt they were currently, had been in the past, or had observed bullying in the workplace. Most disturbing is what Gregor (Gregor, cited Mellington) states
…perhaps the most alarmingly finding from Mellington's research was how targets dealt with being bullied; "not doing anything about it (the bullying) was the most common method taken by a target in response to being bullied.
And, reporting the bullying or making a complaint were reported to be the most unsuccessful method taken in trying to resolve bullying. The action deemed most successful by respondents were "no action" and "seeking a new job. (Gregor 2004)
Workplace bullying is a very real hazard in any workplace and the ASO must approach the situation very seriously for the sake of their worker’s health and safety and the morale of the Orchestra. Safe Work Australia’s “Guide for preventing and responding to workplace bullying” offers very good advice for workers and PCBUs on how best to negotiate through the process of dealing with bullying.
Fair Work Act 2009 (Australia)
Gregor, S., 2004. Fighting back: Workplace bullying in Australia. [Online]
Available at: http// [Accessed 31 July 2016].
Quigg, A.M., 2007. Workplace bullying in the arts: when creative becomes coercive. Unpublished PHd thesis, City University London.
Safe Work Australia FAQ, viewed 31 July 2016,