Technology is often used to find out information. It is a faster, quicker and easier way to get answers from Websites. Mohsenzadega refers to this (448), “….with just the click of a button on our handy-dandy little gadgets.” Everything is there, with no need to struggle or go out to get things done. Some people do not need the doctor for check-ups. They can get the information from which allows people to self-diagnose (448). Computers help us stay up to date with everything, whether it is the weather, or a family member that lives far. It is cheaper to communicate now over Facebook, Twitter, Facetime or Oovoo because it’s free, instead of buying a phone card every time they need to keep in contact with a relative. It has also brought people together from all over the world. They meet new people find out about them and most of the time fall in love and end up together. The internet is very useful and good. Some people feel better behind screens and are able to express themselves better and open up more to people, when they are not face to face. People get to know them better on the internet and get a lot of information from there. Just the simple fact of entertainment, of having memories with…
People learn from a variety of sources, why? It is because the sometimes people can’t find everything they need in just one source. For example, people will not always learn cook by the paper recipe, when my mom want to cook something, but didn’t know how to, she search it up on the internet. Then, she will cook me some delicious Chinese food. She just learned from the internet which is a different source than the cooking book.…
There is a different way and that is Desktop Research. This can be using local or national resources such as a local library and information service, local and national experts who can provide expert knowledge on different things and the internet.…
In the letter “Are Computers Compromising Education?”, A. Jones, the principal of Hightower College, explains his reasons for banning the use of computers in classrooms, informing parents of the many issues that it would have imposed on students. Jones addresses the issue in a very reasoned but concerned tone, which gradually becomes more assertive as he attempts to completely convince parents to agree with his contention, that Australia’s “computer-based ‘education revolution’ represents a false promise to the Australian public”, as it inflicts a variety of health hazards on students and is preventing them from learning “the essential social and intellectual skills that they need…
In my time as a student I have written many essays, and I finish them most in about an hour, at least the ones were my phone is not involved. This essay took me all weekend. Not because it was challenging but because every five minutes I stopped typing and checked Instagram. I believe that technology is distracting students in a very powerful yet subtle way. The urge to use technology in class is affecting students by taking up their attention. So many outside distractions make it hard for the teacher to compete with social media for the student’s attention. The worst part might be that students don’t see the effect that technology is having on their attention spans. They don’t see technology as a roadblock for education. People might say that technology enhances education because it gives more information faster, and that is true except for the fact that students are misusing the power of technology by going off track and essentially missing the lesson being taught.…
Research a topic – this includes reading books, notes or journals and surfing the internet…
Nearly all computers in schools have Internet filters applied. These filters are often crude in the websites they prohibit students from viewing, with the intention of ensuring students cannot visit harmful or obscene websites. However, this occasionally means that students are unable to access…
Laptop, a personal computer that is designed for mobile use and small and light enough to sit on a person’s lap while in use, has been well developed in technology. Because the use of computer or a laptop has been exceedingly increased as time passes, Manufactures bring out items such as netbook or iPad, and try to come with better technology to make it more efficient for people to carry around and use it. This also increased many college students to use their laptops in class. Using laptops in classroom can be for their education improvement for their class or to entertain themselves in boring lectures. Addressing issue of using laptops in class, there are some positive and negative effects.…
Research has come a long way, from the 20th century to the present day. To find out an answer to a question people had to do hard research using large books like the encyclopedia and a dictionary. Though it may sound absurd that we are calling the dictionary a large book, people these days much rather find the definition on a computer than cycle through some pages. Society has become so used to the luxury of the Internet and the resources that it provides, that more and more people are beginning to open up their laptops instead of books. Information is beginning to virtually disappear from the printing press and is making a place for itself on the World Wide Web. Newspapers, articles, magazines, and books are soon to be “extinct” left behind in the dust. As more and more people beginning to buy technological gadgets like smartphones, tablets and laptops, they lose the need for hard copy material as they have all of that in the palm of their hand. Researching material has become as easy as a click to find information on a topic using these gadgets. I know for a fact that if I had an…
Having to research a topic with all of the numerous databases, books, internet and libraries has now become much simpler. Our society constantly has a running stream of information at our fingertips so setting aside time for researching a topic has decreased tremendously. It is still paramount to dedicate a substantial amount of time to obtain the resources needed to draft a paper that can be delivered to a professional audience.…
As the world is developing rapidly, people rely more and more on science and technology. When they define the concept of science and technology, “most people today think of silicon chips, iPods, high-definition TVs, and visual cell phones” (Wilson 320). Among those high-tech inventions, cars and cell phones are two scientific inventions that mostly affect people’s lives. For example, they can get to the destination faster or simply make a phone call to talk instead of taking time to write a letter. However, all of these effects do not stop there. As people can observe, they no longer work manually or by hand because everything have become computerized. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to believe that “in the future, computing is not computers any more; it is about living,” according to Nicholas Negroponte (27). In fact, the invention of computers has had both positive and negative effects on people’s development, such as, in humans’ social lives, in their jobs, and in human entertainment.…
The system of imparting education and learning is changing with changing times. Modern science and technology is being used in each and every field in today’s world. The modern education system is also imbibing the use of modern technology in order to make the system far more convenient and reachable to the mass. We all are aware of the need of proper education so as to enjoy a secure future. Education also helps us in becoming a better and refined person as well.…
In the years where computers are not yet invented, students are not yet engaged in activities using technologies. Students rely on books and visit library facilities to study, read their notes and to review their school lessons. During those years, despite the lack of computers and hi-tech gadgets students still achieve high and good grades and the students are still focused on their studies. They strive hard just to attain higher and better grades in their education.…
Siegle, D., & Foster, T. (2000, April). Effects of laptop computers with multimedia and presentation software on student achievement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED442465) Slavin, R. E. (1991). Synthesis of research on cooperative learning. Educational Leadership, 48, 71–82. Slavin, R. E. (1995). Cooperative learning. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Strike, K. A. (2004). Community, the missing element of school reform: Why schools should be more like congregations than banks. American Journal of Education, 110, 215–232. Susman, E. B. (1998). Cooperative learning: A review of factors that increase the effectiveness of cooperative computer-based instruction. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 18, 303–322. Todman, J. B., & File, P. E. (1990). A scale for children’s attitudes to computers. School Psychology International, 1, 71–75. Waxman, H. C., Lin, M. F., & Michko, G. M. (2003). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of teaching and learning with technology on student outcomes. Learning Point Associates. Retrieved November 15, 2004, from Wilson, B., & Lowry, M. (2000). Constructivist learning on the web. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 88, 79–88. Yaverbaum, G. L., & Ocker, R. J. (1998, November). Problem solving in the virtual classroom: A study of student perceptions related to collaborative learning techniques. Paper presented at the 1998 World Conference of WWW, Internet, and Internet Proceedings, Orlando, Florida. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED427750)…
Our lives have changed greatly because of advances in computer technology. Many of our traditional habits have also changed because of computers. Things that were only dreams a few years ago are now possible due to computers. If one day all the computer systems were to stop working, we would have huge problems.…