The effects of corruption have a negative impact on a society as a whole. Each and every society takes pride in the services that are offered to them by the government. When the quality of services such as health, education and other services are compromised due to corruption the society will decline. When finances of government departments are mismanaged they are chances that they are not going to offer its citizens the quality of services they deserve. The quality of life declines and at the end it is the citizens who bear the cost of corruption
Effective way of fighting corruption
The fight against corruption can be effective when there is accountability, fairness, monitoring and tougher punishment to those who are involved. If the government can hold management accountable when any corrupt activity arises they would be lesser or no corruption as this would make them to monitor what happens in their departments. If everything is done in a transparent where nothing is hidden. If fairness can be applied when hiring, acguiring and doing business they won’t be any bribes involved.freguent monitoring can help detect corrupt activities before the can happen. Tougher punishment can be served to those caught it can be seen as a deterrence to those not yet involved in corruption.
Why successful societies are least corrupt
It is because they are a lot of people who are educated and they can monitor their government, and are generally more aware of what is going on around them believe that the more successful the country is the more its citizens will be content and this leads to least corrupt people
Most blatant forms of corruption in a society
There is a lot and different types of corruption that happens almost daily in our society. Blatant forms of corruption in a society include embezzling money, handling out jobs based on favoritism rather than merit and closing off to public scrutiny. In my own