Background of the Study Most of the Filipinos earn a living through agriculture. Throughout the years, a lot of fertilizers were improvised, mostly for the comfort of the Filipino farmers. Human urine, for example, is a well-balanced nitrogen-rich quick-reacting liquid fertilizer. It contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus and other nutrients depending on the diet. The health risks associated with use of human urine in plant production are generally low, that is why it’s an adequate plant fertilizer. On another note, Indian tree (Polyalthia longifolia) is a small-to-medium-sized evergreen tree growing up to 15 meters. Its leaves are long, narrow and oblanceolate, dark green, glossy and have wavy margins. It is native to India, Sri Lanka and recently introduced in the Philippines and widely cultivated in Metro Manila, planted in parks, garden and roadsides. Studies showed that the seeds of Indian Tree contain amino acids, the barks contain phytochemical, the root extract contains antimicrobial, various solvent extracts contain anti-inflammatory, and the seeds that are extracted contain antifungal.
Objectives (major and minor) of the study This study, therefore, endeavors to investigate the effects of human urine on the growth of Polyalthia longifolia also commonly known as Indian Tree. It also endeavors to inform the farmers and the people in the field of agriculture practical guidance of the other uses of human urine.
Significance of the Study This investigatory project entitled “The Effects Of Human Urine On The Growth Of Indian Tree” will be conducted in order to help and inform the people especially the farmers that “the economical value of the urine can be calculated by comparing with the price of mineral fertilizer on the local market or by calculating the value of the increased yield of the fertilizer.” (Anna Richert,, 2010-2011). We would like it to be one of the aspects that contribute to the progression of our
Bibliography: Richert, Anna., Gensch, Robert., Jönsson, Håkan.,Stenström, Thor-Axel., & Dagerskog, Linus. (2010-1). Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production. [Pdf]. Ttockhollm Environment Institute, Sweden Retrieved December 12, 2012 from EcoSanRes Series. icalGuidanceOnTheUseOfUrineInCropProduction.pdf Grunbaum, Mara. (July 23, 2010). Gee Whiz: Human Urine Is Shown to Be an Effective Agricultural Fertilizer. [Webpage]. Retrieved December 12, 2012 from uman-urine-is-an-effective-fertilizer Shaw, Ryan. (2010). THE USE OF HUMAN URINE AS CROP FERTILIZER IN MALI, WEST AFRICA. [Pdf]. Ryan Shaw, MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Retrieved December 12, 2012 from s/Theses/Sanitation/2010Shaw.pdf Abington, J.B. (1992). Sustainable livestock production in the mountain agro-ecosystem of Nepal. Reprint, Rome.