military bases in the Pacific) was a very well orchestrated and destructive raid. First, the damage of the attack was shocking indeed. The 350 Japanese planes struck at about 8:00 in the morning destroying 5 battleships, damaging about a dozen more naval craft, and demolishing much of the air force in the Philippines as well as Pearl Harbor. This whirlwind of destruction left over 2,400 Americans dead and above 1,000 wounded*. Next, “U.S officials … fully expected a Japanese attack into the Indies, Malaya and probably the Philippines. Completely unanticipated was the prospect that Japan would attack east, as well.” Indeed, it seemed very unlikely for Japan to try such a daring exploit with Pearl Harbor being 3,500 miles away from Japan. Finally, had Pearl Harbor been warned of the danger of Japanese conquest, the sheer enormity of casualties could have been significantly reduced. In fact, a message had been sent to the military base prior to the attack on the same day due to the fact that Japanese codes had been cracked by the government “magic” program. This message read, “Be on the alert.” Yet, due to poor weather conditions, the message sadly did not arrive until later after the attack. This event in history was very successful for the Japanese and devastating for …show more content…
First, along with the fact that the U.S. and Japan had had grudges against each other for years, Japan had plans to “take over the Chinese Import Market.” The United States was against this plan very much and subsequently imposed embargoes (bans) on the Japanese. Second, Japan was dependant upon the U.S. for the vast majority of its oil. When the United States teamed with the Netherlands and England in banning oil trade with Japan,-and after failed negotiation attempts with the U.S. government to come to a solution- Japan decided to attack before the U.S. did because war was unavoidable. For without the necessary oil supply, the Japanese navy would most certainly be crippled. Finally, Japan wished to expand into Pacific territories to gain important natural resources (oil and rubber) without the interference of the United States Navy. In fact, this expansion is exactly what was taking place around the same time as the Pearl Harbor attack-when the Japanese raided Malaya and the Philippines. The attack on the exact location of Pearl Harbor was no mistake. “Pearl Harbor was the home of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.” and “Japan did not want the U.S. in the war because at that time, the United States of America had the greatest Naval force.” Also, if the Japanese disabled the Pacific Fleet they could continue in their endeavors to conquer the Pacific uninhibited by the navy. The