Litter, litter, everywhere and nary a piece gets recycled. Why? It seems pretty simple to put litter back into the recycling loop and that's just what the Nicodemus Wilderness Project does after a cleanup. The majority of the litter that we collect during our trail cleanups is recyclable. There are lots of glass bottles, paper products, plastics, and aluminum cans littering our wild lands and waters. Removing this litter from the shoreline, mountains, and other wilderness areas prevents wildlife injury and restores the natural beauty of our environment. Recycling this litter elevates the effort an extra step by ensuring this trash stays out of the landfill. At the Nicodemus Wilderness Project, we've even reused some of this litter…
Litter is unhealthy for the public. For example, I saw a man leave his dog's waste on the street.Another man coming down the street was distracted by his cell phone and stepped in the dog waste; he almost slipped and hurt himself. This is unhealthy because…
Trash, garbage, junk, debris-all alternatively known as litter-scattered across the 268,597 square miles of Texas on our highways and landscapes. Where former First Lady Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson aspired to see bright and colorful wildflower blanketing the great Texas countryside, oftentimes we only see disturbing amounts of garbage. This is what I aim to change. Through my school's Key Club I have had the opportunity to have a positive impacts in reducing the "over 435 million pieces of visible litter" covering "our empire wide and glorious." In the thirty-eight total service hours I have dedicated to both Texas Adopt-A-Highway and school wide recycling the amount of litter that myself and the generous volunteers…
It's a communal thing. You take turns sweeping up after the garbage trucks pass. Shopkeepers and housewives dust the street in front of their doorsteps, dousing the pavement each day with water. Keeping things tidy, keeping life tidy.…
The decision by the city commission to adopt curbside recycling is a step in the right direction — which is why we fully support its leadership on this issue. However, the decision by the city commission to make curbside recycling optional rewards the wrong behavior (polluting), and punishes the right behavior (recycling). Those who already recycle will choose to participate in curbside recycling and pay for it. Those who do not recycle…
In Ocean City, the amount of trash found along the shore has tripled over the last 3-5 years, according to studies found by City of Counsel of OC. The amount of trash has caused troubles in the ocean waters and on the land where tourists visit. It has become an ongoing problem to the community and its waters. This is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately. Also having recycling bins and trash bins put in more locations that are accessible for everyone will help keep the beaches and waters clean. The audience for this proposal is the citizens and tourists of Ocean City, MD.…
Everyone is affected by the issue. There are several sources of littering. Pedestrians who drop garbage in the streets and roadways. Motorists litter by discarding garbage out of their vehicle windows. Uncovered loads is another source and these are items that are not secure and can easily be blown out of trucks and cause roadside littering. Households that refuse disposal and collection. Littering can result from overloading…
Out of 40 people observed only 7 people left trash and 4 of them sat together. I feel like our sample size was too small and we did not observe enough littering to have a statistically significant finding. To improve our experiment, it should be tried again but instead of one hour of observation, maybe it should be increased to an hour or two a day over a week’s span, or multiple locations to make it more generalizable. Because of social loafing, where members of a group have a tendency to exert less effort than if working alone under the assumption that others will pick up their slack or cover them, we thought that people would leave trash behind when in a group. Although this was the case at one table, for the most part everyone picked up their trash when they…
12) Torgler, B., Frey, B. & Wilson, C. (2009) Environmental and pro-social norms : evidence on littering. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 9(1), pp. 1-39.…
Overall, littering just helps to create an unsightly environment. However, if humans didn’t litter, the delinquents who have to do community service…
Environmental health: Going to pick up trash in a neighborhood cleanup can help improve your environmental health.…
If you are a litterer you can get fined anywhere from $20 to $30,000 dollars. But more importantly littering pollutes the water making it unsafe to drink and even swim in. This is true for not only bodies of water but for groundwater as well. Littering and places with a heavy amount of littering threatens the wellbeing of people and animals. It attracts diseases, bacteria, and veromon. But above all litter attracts more litter. People are most likely going to throw trash on the ground if they see other pieces of trash. Littering can also be a fire hazard. All you would need is a pile of trash and someone to come along and throw a cigarette down on the ground. And if cigarettes weren't bad enough they are the number one item littered bring it to 50% of all litter on earth. For most smokers they don't really think about what they are doing. They don't know that cigarettes take up to 10 years to disintegrate. The trash we carelessly walk by and maybe even the trash we have littered ourselves will affect you. When it comes to littering what goes on the ground comes back…
Did you know that $11.5 billion is spent every year just to clean up litter alone? People don’t realize that by cutting down littering this money can be used to help the population in many other ways. Research and studies have shown that communities and neighborhoods with a lot of litter decrease the value of the property in those regions by as much as 7% ( By having a cleaner city more businesses are interested in making an investment and tourists are more likely to pay a visit, and with that the city makes an extra income.…
I am concerned about the marine vertebrates which caused by litter pollution in Australia. I am also greatly concerned about the human health, water quality and the marine environment in Australia. Almost ninety percent of the marine debris found on Sydney’s beaches is plastic which mostly bottles, caps and straws. Moreover, Australians use 3.9 billion plastic bags and buy six hundred million litres of bottled water a year (Australian Marine Conservation Society, n.d.). This causes litter in waterways pose a crucial threat to marine life, with the significant impacts being ingestion and entanglement. For instance, marine species such as turtles, sharks, whales and dolphins can confuse plastics with their common prey and swallow them which cause…
Littering is an issue in the town of Danville that is going to be affected the future if something is not done to resolve it. Some people may disagree that the reason people litter is because there is nowhere to put trash when walking down the street or they have become too careless to find a trash can. It is clear that some people are ignorant to the harm they are doing to the town by littering and the variety of problems they are causing. It is a fact that littering has a huge effect on animals along with people. Most animals can’t tell the difference between food and trash leaving them poisoned from trash they have eaten. Cigarette butts have been found in the stomachs of birds, dogs, cats, and squirrels. Littering can also be hazardous to one's health by attracting vermin and bacteria.…