Most people assume that …show more content…
If you are a litterer you can get fined anywhere from $20 to $30,000 dollars. But more importantly littering pollutes the water making it unsafe to drink and even swim in. This is true for not only bodies of water but for groundwater as well. Littering and places with a heavy amount of littering threatens the wellbeing of people and animals. It attracts diseases, bacteria, and veromon. But above all litter attracts more litter. People are most likely going to throw trash on the ground if they see other pieces of trash. Littering can also be a fire hazard. All you would need is a pile of trash and someone to come along and throw a cigarette down on the ground. And if cigarettes weren't bad enough they are the number one item littered bring it to 50% of all litter on earth. For most smokers they don't really think about what they are doing. They don't know that cigarettes take up to 10 years to disintegrate. The trash we carelessly walk by and maybe even the trash we have littered ourselves will affect you. When it comes to littering what goes on the ground comes back