
Effects Of Residential School

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Effects Of Residential School
Residential school had more negative affect on the student then positive. At the residential school children were physically, mentally, sexually abuse by stuff. The students were punished for speaking at their different, trying to run away from the residential school or for smallest mistake and no reason. At the residential school the student were named as a ‘Christian’ names or known only by a number. They were also forced to forget their language, beliefs, and culture and converted into Christianity. They were physically and emotionally abuse by separating them from their parents. Some priest at the residential school had sexually abuse many students. Also, more than 6,000 were dead at the residential school. The cause of the dead were the …show more content…
The last residential school was closed in the 1996. The residential school survivors spoke out about their story at the residential school. Josephine Eshkibok who was one of the survivors said that when he was eight years old her mom received a letter from government. He said “My mother opened the letter and I could see her face; I could see her face, it was kind of sad but mad too. She said to me, ‘I have to let you go,’ she told us. So we had to, go to, go to school at Spanish Residential School.”(Josephine Eshkibok) and the next day he was taken from his family to the residential school. Peter Nakogee is also another residential school survivor. He has been taken away from his family to the Fort Albany, Ontario, school. He said at the residential school "That’s where I had the most difficulty in school because I didn’t understand English. My hand was hit because I wrote on my scribblers, the scribblers that were given on starting school, pencils, erasers, rulers and that, scribblers, and textbooks that were given. He said that when he first went to the residential school he speaks no English and the teacher said to him to “Write your names,' she said, so they don’t get …show more content…
And I hit the wall on the other side." (Edmund

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