Cigarettes are extremely harmful to the human body. Studies show that there are over one hundred thousand chemicals in a single cigarette and only four thousand chemical substances are known. So that’s a total of ninety-six thousand unknown chemical substances that are in a single cigarette.…
From my second source, it talks about the harms of cigarette smoke on human health. “Toxic ingredients in cigarette smoke travel throughout the body, causing damage in several different ways.” Ingredients such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, and carcinogens can cause cancer, lack of oxygen, lower amounts of antioxidants and many more.…
assive smoke is when non-smokers are breathing in the smoke that a smoker is smoking. Passive smoking is not good, because non-smokers breathe it in, as well as the smoker, and it is very harmful for the non-smokers as well as the smoker. It is also a huge source of indoor air pollution. Four-fifths of the smoke that builds up in a room with a smoker is the more harmful "sidestream" type. Tobacco smoke has over 4,000 chemical compounds, which includes 40 carcinogenic agents that are cancer-causing. Tobacco smoke also has carbon monoxide, which is a poisonous gas, that inhibits the transportation of someone's oxygen to their body's vital organs via the blood. Also, the smoke that is emitted from the tip of a cigarette has almost double the concentration…
Did you know that for every cigarette you smoke you can lose eleven minutes off your life? Smoking can not only leave you with long term affects you may not be able to get rid of but it will leave you poor and maybe dead.…
According to the American Lung Association, every year about four hundred and thirty thousand Americans die alone from the effects of smoking cigarettes. Cigarette smoking also causes one in five deaths in the United States each year. Cigarette smoke is the major cause of lung cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, and stroke. Not only does cigarette smoke cause several health problems, it also is highly addictive and causes smokers to develop a highly unhealthy addiction to the nicotine in the cigarette. There are no scientific studies that prove that smoking a cigarette is not harmful to one’s health; in fact, there are several case studies proving that smoking cigarettes can be deadly to one’s health. The chemicals in within cigarette smoke themselves alone are enough to put one at risk for cancer development. Aside from nicotine, other carcinogens such as carbon monoxide, tar, formaldehyde, cyanide, and ammonia can be found in cigarette smoke. These chemicals combined leave someone who smokes at risk to develop lung cancer.…
Cigarettes are made up of dried tobacco leaves and other things to make up for the flavor. Scientists have found up to 3,000 compounds in tobacco and cigarette smoke. With the total 3,000 compounds, there are about sixty carcinogens. There are a numerous amount of bad chemicals found in cigarettes. Here are just a list of few: Ammonia: Household cleaner, Agelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals Arsenic: Used in rat poisons Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas Cadmium: Used in batteries Cyanide: Deadly poison DDT: A banned insecticide Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals Lead: Poisonous in high doses Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens Methoprene: Insecticide Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984 Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element. All of these chemicals have taken a toll on current smokers, ex-smokers, and people exposed to second hand smoke.…
The main ingredients that harm the body when smoking are tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine. Dangerous chemicals such as nail varnish remover and even bleach were found! 4000 chemicals have been found in just one cigarette. However, why is it that £10,000,000,000 worth of cigarettes are sold every year in the UK?…
Cigarette contains chemicals that are harmful to smokers and non-smokers. Cigarette contains 4000 chemical compounds. These toxic ingredients in cigarette smoke travel throughout the body causing damages in several different ways. Cigarette smoke causes the lungs air passages to become worn away and unable to sweep foreign particles from the throat.…
This assignment will discuss the influence of tobacco smoking on the physical health; on the social life of people and any benefits that are associated with smoking.…
It is worth considering the effects smoking might have on a person in the short term. These are not all necessarily negative results in all cases; scare-tactic campaigning is now a common technique used by government bodies to try to frighten people from smoking. However, their short, stark message usually focuses on a single aspect of smoking’s effects, and it can help a quitter stick with it if they can build up an overall picture of what smoking has been doing or could do in future to their body.…
Secondhand smoke is defines as the smoke inhaled from a lit cigarette, cigar, or pipe, and the smoke exhaled by a smoker. Non-smokers that inhale second hand smoke actually breathes in almost the same amount of chemicals as a smoker. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds, more than 50 of which are known to cause cancer.6 Chemicals that cause cancer include: Arsenic, Benzene, Beryllium, Butadiene, Cadmium, Chromium, Ethylene Oxide, Nickel, Polohium-210, and Vinyl Chloride.1 Other toxic chemicals in secondhand smoke is Hydrogen Cyanide, Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde, and Ammonia. No one would want to consume any one of these chemicals separately, but billions of smokers and non-smokers inhale the combination of them on a daily basis. There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke.3…
The nicotine in cigarettes is a poisonous drug. It even be used to kill insects. Nicotine and dozens of other poisonous chemicals in tobacco can cause illness like heart problems and certain kinds of cancer. Some of these illness take years to develop but others can show up right away.…
Emphysema:’’ A chronic medical disorder of the lungs in which the air sacs are dilated or enlarged and lack flexibility, so that breathing is impaired and infection sometimes occurs.’’…
The ozone layer is strongly negatively affected by the presence of water vapor. Not only does it suppress the formation of…
Everyone knows that smoking is unhealthy and leads to nothing good for your body. But how unhealthy is it to smoke cigarettes? And how is it exactly cigarettes affect your body and your health? A cigarette contains about 4000 different chemicals and 400 toxic substances. These chemicals may cause cancer and many other life threatening diseases. Cigarettes damage the cells and systems of the human body. The chemicals are drawn into the body every time a smoker inhales. This causes changes in cell functions and genetic changes that ultimately leads to cancer. Smokers are often suffering from atherosclerosis. Hardening of the arteries enables that the heart’s blood supply becomes narrowed or blocked. The heart does not receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen. This increases the risk of having a stroke or a heart attack because of damage to the arteries to the brain and the heart. The greatest sin when it comes to smoking is the…