How often do/did you use your cellphone/smartphone as a teen? When I was a teen, I received my first cellphone at the age of 15. I thought personally this was the best invention ever created as a young teen and with that, I soon found out that I just entered a whole new social world with these new technology devices. I entered a generation that would be called the Tech-Generation filled with cellphones/smartphones and social media. I quickly discovered the texting function with my cellphone and started to send texts daily to my friends. My cellphone became a necessity for me; if I did not have my cellphone, I would freak out. In addition, I started to replace phone calls and in-person socialization with texting. Texting made it possible to communicate to my friends and family whenever possible. It almost seemed impossible to not get a hold of them. I was granted with a whole new method of communication. I choose to text because a simple text would do the trick and I could keep doing the activities I was doing while sending the message. Along with the convenience of texting, I was also more comfortable speaking my mind through these messages. Now that I look back, I wonder if texting had an effect on the way I socialized as a teen. Did I gain or lose in-person social skills? This is a question I ask myself now as a young adult in college where interpersonal communication is essential throughout my daily activities. I feel that teens are becoming too comfortable with texting and not practicing in-person social skills. With this being said, the effects of text messaging is obviously significant for these teenagers, who are the main users of texting and considered the tech gurus of this era. Is it eliminating face-to-face interactions? Does it promote face-to-face interactions? Is text messaging eliminating in-person social skills for these teens? These are some questions that I am concerned about and will
Cited: Pierce, Tamyra. "Social Anxiety and Technology: Face-to-Face Communication Versus Technological Communication among Teens." Computers in Human Behavior 25.6 (2009): 1367-72. Print. Reid, Donna J., and Fraser J Stout, Hilary. “How does Technology Affect Kid’s Friendships?” New York Times on the Web 10 April. 2010 <> Alvarez, Antonia R Avrahami, D., and S. E. Hudson. "Communication Characteristics of Instant Messaging: Effects and Predictions of Interpersonal Relationships." (2006)Print. Dunn, D Faulkner, X., and F. Culwin. "When Fingers do the Talking: A Study of Text Messaging." Interacting with Computers 17.2 (2005): 167-85. Print. Hertlein, Katherine M Lenhart, Amanda. "Teens, Cell Phones and Texting." Pew Research Center 20 (2010)Print. Lenhart, Amanda Pettigrew, J. "Text Messaging and Connectedness within Close Interpersonal Relationships." Marriage & Family Review 45.6-8 (2009): 697-716. Print. Kauphusman, Kristen