Jason Grant
COLL100 B161
American Military University
Professor Allison Knox Effects of the Mind-Body Connection on Learning
What is the “Mind-Body Connection” and does it have a profound effect on an individual’s learning? The mind-body connection can be explained as the physical and mental connection that our existence has on itself and the world around it. Some researchers have noted that this connection can be stronger in certain situations than in others. Other research has shown that certain activities can promote a higher connection level then is normally present.
According to Ilana Moss (2009), “The mind is a tricky thing. Some say the mind is a result of electrical activity in the brain. Others believe the mind exists outside of the body and affects the brain, causing the electromagnetic activity that we can observe with technology. Either way, the mind is not something we can point to and say, "There it is"!” Dr. Candace Pert (Weiss, 2001) states that, “our bodies don 't exist to carry our heads around, any thinking has the whole body participating.” This means every aspect of thinking has our entire body included in the process. “Pert explains that each neuron in the human brain has hundreds of thousands of receptors. ‘Receptors are proteins, and these receptors literally vibrate and constantly change shape.’ She continues: ‘As more peptides were discovered in the brain, more were also found in other systems of the body. Therefore, the body-soul connection is actually physical. These receptors wax and wane depending on how much bombardment they get. They 're in a constant state of loud chatter.’" (Weiss, 2001).
Dr. Pert explained that the mind-body connection is actually physical, but how does it encompass our entire entity? Exercise, such as dance, martial arts, hatha yoga, tai chi, basketball, and gymnastics involve learning a series of complex movements while coordinating one 's
References: Weiss, R. (2001) The Mind-Body Connection In Learning. T+D 55 (9), 60-68. Moss, I. (2009) Metaphysics For Life. Retrieved from http://www.metaphysics-for-life.com/mind-body-connection.html Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching With The Brain in Mind 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. Plunet, W. (2011, January 5). How much of your brain mass do you lose each year? [Msg 1]. Message posted to http://www.brainhealthhacks.com/2011/01/05/how-much-of-your-brain-mass-do-you-lose-each-year/