Syndicate of Drug Abuse
Since the last two decades, Malaysia has been undergoing accelerated urbanization. The recent rate of urbanization in Malaysia is 63% (EPU, 2006, p. 361) and predictable to be increase to 75% by the year 2020 (JPBD, 2006, p. 13). Urbanization often relates with increasing crimes in cities including Lembah Klang. According to Durkheim (2012), crime is unavoidable and seen as normal part of everyday society. One of the crimes that always happen in Lembah Klang is syndicate of drug abuse. From the drugs syndicates it leads to drug abuse among the urban society. Thus, is become one of the serious in public health problem which affects more or less every community …show more content…
These kinds of problem will make the urban society facing negative impact since the drugs syndicate can harm the urban society expansion. Basically, syndicate of drug abuse become one of the crime issue in Lembah Klang because with the total population of society at this urban area so the purchasing power at this area quite high from society demand as comparing the rural area since at urban area like Lembah Klang there is various of people with variety of background. It is also including the immigrants that prefer to live at urban area that accommodate them to involve in syndicate of drug abuse as to subsistence their standard of …show more content…
In the existing study, researcher planned an urban index by using eight indicators from several aspects of the situation of urbanization in Lembah Klang, There was recognition of drug abuse due to drug syndicates and the stage of urbanization of villages represented by the urban index. Some indicators showed link with the percentage of drug syndicate in the community that is the percentage of workers in private business, distance from city center to village and family background. Thus, based on the study there are positive relationship between the prevalence of syndicate of drug abuse cases and the stage of urbanization development that same situation at Lembah