
Individualism In The Scarlett Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Individualism In The Scarlett Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne demonstrates individualism that pertains in the puritan society in which people are criticized and punished on behalf of their individual flaws. In this case, Hester is punished and embarrassed because of her sin of adultery to another man. As Hawthorne mentions the rosebush outside the prison doors, many people see it as an aspiration, however it portrays Hester as persistent and strong while her sin haunts her. This is seen within her daughter, Pearl, whom she strives to protect from being condemned by the town and living away from the nullifying society because Pearl is demented due to her mother’s past. Although majority of the town’s views are negative, Hester avoids the hatred to help improve herself by thriving forward. …show more content…
Pearl signifies her sin and all Hester has given up for an exceptional life for themselves. The scarlet letter was originally intended to mark Hester as a sinner and make her ashamed, and while it does at first, it changes throughout the story. She owns her punishment, and is able to find peace. Pearl becomes belligerent, immediately protective and disobedient and the society looks down upon her and shunned her because she was seen as a product of a misconception. “Her nature appeared to possess depth, too, as well as variety; but or else Hester’s fears deceived her- it lacked reference and adaptation to the world into which she was born” (80). Pearl could not be made to obey orders or rules from a young age. She was greatly despised and her actions were seen as a disorder although she was “beautiful and

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