This research investigates working mothers and the impact work has on family life. The number of working mothers with dependent children has increased and particularly those with children under the age of five. However, the minority of the mothers are working part time and increasing numbers working full time. The effect of working hour is having a large effect on family life.
Does working affect mothers’ role in the family?
Mothers are responsible for their family and children. Therefore it can be difficult to balance work and family life. Hence, most mothers think that their employment has an advantageous effect on their children and partner. They believe being employed is helping them to rally their children’s emotional, developmental and material needs, but most Mothers experience stress with being a good role model for their children.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a working mother?
There are certain advantages that working mothers can upbringing. Firstly, going to work is a positive influence on their children, for example for girl in particular, seeing their mothers going to work catches her interest (BBC News 2009). Secondly, working mothers seem more loving and friendly with their children, than mothers who don’t work. The third benefit is that children of working mothers have higher academic achievements. Studies have found that children of working mothers are more likely to be overweight and have a poor diet and inactive lifestyle which is harmful to children’s health (BBC News, 2009).
What should working mothers do to avoid problems with their children’s behaviour?
Even if mothers are working they should spent quality time with their children. for example: a mother who is working full time should spend an additional 2 hours of quality time each day with her child, which might create a better connection than a mother who is caring for her child all the time(Jayita & Murali
References: (BBC New, 2011) BBC New Education & Family, 2011 Working Mothers ‘do no harm to children’s behaviour, accessed 28 May 2012, <> (Jayita & Murali Poduval, 2009) Jayita P & Murali P, 2009, ‘Mens Sana Monogr’ Working Mothers: How Much Working, How Much Mothers, And Where Is The Womanhood? , accessed 28 May 2012, < >