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Abstract - Aims - This study is to ascertain, if there is an effect on heart rate after exercise. This is being done to see, if there is a difference between resting heart rate and heart rate after performing exercise.
Method and results - The study was compiled of seven female students from the University of Huddersfield. For the exercise a step was used, a polar heart rate monitor was used for each participant with an independent assessor timing the participants, and recording the readings. Results of the study showed there was an increase in heart rate when performing mild exercise.
Conclusion – Exercise has an effect on heart rate. This study showed there was an increase in all the participants.
) The area of study was based on exercise and heart rate, to establish whether there is an increase in heart rate after exercise. The hypothesis of the study was whether exercise will increase the heart rate therefore a null hypothesis would be that there will be no increase in heart rate. Has health professionals we need to know what effect exercise can have on heart rate, in exercise the bodies demand for oxygen goes up which in turn raises the heart rate (Tortora et al, 2008). The heart shows how a body is functioning, in a healthy person the variability of the heart rate shows an increase or decrease dependant on the type of activity been performed (La Cruz et al, 2007
Literature Review
There has been studies on the effect exercise has on heart rate. One of these studies (Shalnova. et al, 1995), this was a prevalence study, to determine the blood pressure, and heart rate response during exercise, in men and women in the USA, Canada and Russia lipid research clinics. The tests were carried out in Lip Research Clinics exclusively set up for the tests. The centres were based in the US, Canada and Russia. The Individuals selected
References: Balnaves, M. Caputi, P. (2001) Introduction to quantitative research. London: Sage publications. Pryor, JA, Prasad SA, (2002) Physiotherapy for respiratory and cardiac problems: adults and paediatrics, 3rd ed, Osford, Elsevier Health Sciences Tortora, GI and Derickson, B (2008) Principles of anatomy and physiology, 11th ed