Anticipatory heart rate is the rate that the heart reaches before the start of exercise. Your heart rate usually picks up as a result of the anticipatory heart-rate response, this happens before exercise. When thinking about exercising before actually starting, the nerves that release the chemicals that adjust your heart rate increase the heart rate. The body expects exercise and therefore prepares for the activity, increasing the amount of oxygen being delivered to the muscles so that they have a suitable supply of oxygen for when they begin exercising.
Activity Response:
At the start of exercise, the nerves in the brain discover cardiovascular activity. The nerves then send out chemical signals to increase …show more content…
There are two types of blood pressure, they are systolic and diastolic. When exercising both the heart rate and blood pressure increase. Oxygen consumption and heart rate increase during aerobic exercise to reach the demands of the intensity of the activity. This then means that the pulse rate will rise and the blood flow to the muscles increases.
Systolic Blood Pressure – the highest pressure within the bloodstream. Which occurs during each beat when the heart is in systole (contracting)
Diastolic Blood Pressure – the lowest pressure within the bloodstream. Which occurs between beats when the heart is in diastole (relaxed – filling with blood)
When the blood vessels narrow and reduce blood flow. This happens if the body temperature becomes too low, the vessels will then constrict, which means that they decrease in size. This means that less heat will be lost through transfer across the skin and into the air as there is a smaller surface area. Therefore more heat remains in the body.
When blood vessels widen in an attempt to increase blood flow. Vasodilation plays a role in regulating body temperature. If the body temperature becomes too high, blood vessels just under the surface of the skin dilate which means that they increase in