
Egyptian Religion Vs Pre-Axial Age

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The Axial Age is a time period where many religions began and answered questions about how one should live his life. Pre-axial religions were focused on oneself and how to live in the present. They had local gods and as one moved around he worshiped the god of that area. These gods demanded sacrifices and other rituals. However, there was no emphasis on what happened after a person died. The pre-axial religions were more concerned with practical problems like winning wars and growing crops. The religions from the Pre-axial Age did not have any focus on these questions. It was up to each person to decide how he would live his life, if it was ethical or not. During the Axial Age, Hinduism provided some answers to Axial Age questions, while …show more content…

Hinduism was a religion based on the caste system. This makes it impossible for someone to move up in the religion in one’s lifetime. The caste system has five parts: Brahmin, which is a priest, Kshatriyas, the warriors, Vaisyas, farmers, artisans, merchants and herders, Sudras, farmworkers, servants, other laborers and the lowest, Dalit, animal skin tanners. One is born into a caste. The Caste system you are born into controls who one married, where one lived, food that was available and clothes that were worn. However, when they reincarnate they might move up or down in the caste system. One of the ways Hinduism helps a person is to help him reach moksha, the goal of one’s soul to stop being reincarnated and reunite with Brahman, god. Hinduism also has a rule against violence called ahimsa, which is another way to live an ethical life. A person tried to do as many good deeds as possible so, that in his next life he can become a part of a higher caste. This causes a person to live both an ethical and meaningful life. Hinduism does not allow a person in the present lifetime to move up in caste preventing an even more meaningful life. Therefore there is no incentive for someone to live an ethical life because it will not affect his current

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