IQ is important, but Emotional Intelligence, including social skills, is even more so. From the research, I found that for all types of jobs, emotional competencies are twice as prevalent among distinguishing competencies as are technical skills and purely cognitive abilities combined. In general, the higher position in an organization, the more Emotional Intelligence (EI) mattered. For those who are individuals in leadership positions, there are 90% of their competencies are in EI domain. It reflects that the perceived values of EI competencies relative to technical and cognitive abilities are very significant (Goleman, n.d.).
In short, Emotional Intelligence is the ability to read other peoples’ emotions, understand one’s own emotions and behaviour, and adjust one’s behaviour in order to connect better with others. In the public imagination, Emotional Intelligence has generally been equal with success. For example, we could often observe that the cleverest person in a high school class may not be the most successful person in society; instead, the distinction may fall to the person with higher emotional intelligence, someone who is able to intuit other’s feelings, control others’ emotions and socially-driven worlds of networking and interpersonal relations.
Is EI more important for managers? How about employees?
Emotional issues plague every man and woman in a work situation. For managers, emotional intelligence may not be required, but it’s definitely essential as a successful manager. For example, when bosses deal with an Emotional Intelligence aspect with their employees, they can get to know them better and motivate them to higher levels of productivity. Treating the employee with respect and not as a robot simply put them to complete a task, it will empower the employee to strive for higher goals and to be proud while they perform their duties. And also Emotional