The EIBE scenario process was for me a new way of mixing the logical prediction with wild imagination. This is a new mixture and a new way of thinking for an engineer which usually relies on the structured logical way of thinking only. The scenario is basically a collection of new ideas that is based on present facts leading to future imaginary - yet logical - sequence of actions, all tied up with a hidden thread of logic.
In order to develop the scenario of Uzbekistan, it was necessary to do a research on the characteristics of this country, including different areas describing the life in Uzbekistan. One of the new ideas that arose from the research is the idea of double-landlocked countries. A Landlocked country is the one which has no access to any sea or ocean on its borders , where a double-landlocked country is a landlocked country where all its surrounding countries are landlocked. It was found that there are only two double landlocked countries in the world, Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein.
Uzbekistan is surrounded by five landlocked countries, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan; where Liechtenstein is surrounded by two landlocked countries, Austria and Switzerland !
It was challenging and interesting to understand the effect on such characteristic on the foreign trade in Uzbekistan, of course lacking maritime transportation and shipping of goods has great negative effect on the foreign trade and the whole economy.
Another newly introduced concept during the process was the concept of “Non-Denominational Muslims”. Those are Muslims who are not following a specific doctrine (Mazhab). So they are neither Sunni nor Shi’as, just Muslims !
This form of Islam is found to be a majority in 6 countries in the world, in addition to Uzbekistan which has 54% of its population as Non-Denominational Muslims, there is