3. Eigen Space Feature Analysis:
The sub band matrices are mainly subjected to Eigen space analysis, the segmented range present in the signal is appears a numerical value. It is expected that any variation in mean and the variance value present component wave segments will be examined from the numerical value observed in the Extraction process. the variance in the covariance structure which leads to visualize the pathological condition. …show more content…
B. Classifier and Performance measure:
SVM classifier is mainly used to classify the normal and MI cases present in the ECG signal and the SVM models are used to identify the class levels of the feature analysis and classify the Healthy control (HC) and abnormal case in the signal. Binary SVM classifier is mainly utilized for the vectors value to identify the signal into normal and myocardial infracted signal.
The classifiers performance is estimated in the range of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy value is shown in Table 3.These parameters estimated by getting the value for both the test vector with the predicted vector value of output. The sensitivity value mainly used to the compare the processed signal to get the detection of MI result.
The sensitivity (SE) is derived from .
The specificity is derived from the value to detect the negative range
The accuracy is achieved from the accurate range of the calculated value to that of its actual value