In the classroom Alex have trouble staying in his seat, careless with his work. Alex is very talkative, which causes Alex to misbehave. His work is disorganized and he is easily distracted. Alex has trouble focusing and has poor listening skills. The teacher has to repeat the instruction to Alex three or four times before he understands. Even after he understands the instruction, he is unable to complete the seatwork. When given homework he forgets to turn …show more content…
They are persistent and want to help in any way they can. During the discussion Alex’s parents aware Alex is hyper and impulsive. His parents have been aware of his learning disabilities before he started kindergarten.
Alex has interest in science and is very excited when we have experiment in the classroom. He is interested in knowing how the world works. Alex works well in groups when he does not have to sit still. Reading is Alex’s poor subject. He has trouble with the vocabulary and meaning of words. The teacher teams Alex up with peer students, which helps him with his reading skills. The teacher meets with Alex twice a week to help improve his reading skills.
Alex could have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a learning disability. Definition of ADHD student is impulsive, has a low attention span, cannot stay still, interrupts class, does not follow direction and is very talkative. Alex demonstrates many if not all of the characteristics of a student with ADHD. Alex also has a learning disability. He has little or no motivation to do his school work or his home work. Alex has trouble processing words correctly. Testing should be done to test for dyslexia, (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, …show more content…
According to Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey the number of students with a learning disability has grown over the past 30 years. School are helping to slowing the grow rate by using the Response to Intervention (RTI) approach to helping students with learning disability. The prevalence rate for students with ADHD declines as the student moves through the different grade levels. Most ADHD students are in the regular educational classrooms. Boys identified with ADHD are 3 to 1 more than girls. ADHD can cause learning problems and many ADHD students are identified with a learning disability or emotional/behavior disorder. The prevalence rate does vary depending if the parent or teachers reports the student’s problems. A student with ADHD behavior is worse in late afternoon, and when he/she has heavy work load, schedules change, and when left alone for long periods of time, (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey,