
El Paso Community Analysis

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The El Paso community can be said to be peaceful in terms of violence and drugs. In certain aspects however, our community suffers. I live on the Far East side of El Paso which is now currently growing at a huge rate. Because of this, streets as well as restaurants and stores are getting more and more populated. Along with this is the fact that since we are growing so fast, construction is taking place in order to allow a “better” flow of traffic. The result from this is catastrophic. Instead of having less cars on the road at a time, more and more people seem to be getting stuck on the road. This wouldn’t be much of a problem if our community did not spend much time working on these structures. Many people get frustrated about this for a couple …show more content…

What I mean by this is that, young adults get involved with things such as drinking and bullying. Nothing good comes out of this. Teenagers should not be even drinking in the first place as most of us aren’t in the legal age to be able to drink. Although bullying isn’t illegal, people should still not take part in it. Taking this into consideration, many problems arise. Countless times we see accidents involving teens on the news. Most of these have to do with them being drunk. Regardless of the area or community, it happens everywhere and it should be …show more content…

There shouldn’t be a single person trying to fix all the problems. Regarding the traffic problem, there could be many solutions. First of all, we should tell government officials that we need to improve construction time. We could this by either hiring more workers or closing the road for longer periods of time so they can be worked on. Although this could increase traffic, it would be for a shorter amount of time. In order to avoid car accidents from happening during this process, having people retake their driving lessons or informing them before they get on the road will reduce accidents significantly. Drivers will be able to act better according to the situation they are in instead of panicking, stressing, and getting

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