The process by which individuals learn the culture of their society is known as socialisation. Primary socialisation takes place within the family and is the most important role in developing one’s characteristics. It is often said that parents, especially mothers are the first academic institution we experience. As far as the question is concerned, “Young people should obey their elders without question.” Every individual has her or her own views and opinions based on their experiences and understandings in life. Many might argue that youngsters should not obey their elders as it would deteriorate their personality and would cause trouble to them later on in life. However, others would support that they should obey their elders unquestionably. This essay will look into the arguments of for and against if youngsters should obey their elders without questioning.
To begin with, there are many arguments in favor of if young people should obey their parents without questioning. Youngsters mostly think that their elders do not care about their problems yet, they are mistaken as these elders have endured the similar problems and complications as themselves. Having faced by the harsh roller-coaster of life, understanding the rights and wrongs they are more than a lot experienced in life than youngsters, thus, obeying them and following their advices would lead young people to have a great life ahead. They've lived through things that we ourselves can hardly imagine in. Youngsters may not understand their implication but if they obey, they can have a great life. However, not taking their guidance leads them to difficulties. For example, if elders prohibit youngsters to smoke, the first thing which would come to their mind would be that their elders might have smoked when they were young. Then why listen to them? The question goes on in many young people’s mind and many take the wrong paths. Therefore, being unaware of consequences