The most surprisingly thing that I read through the PowerPoint’s and text on elder abuse is that in 90% of the times, it is a family member that did the abusing! That is so insane to me. The adult children as the caregivers are the most likely to do the abusing. That breaks my heart. How is it that people can possibly hurt the people that cared for them all of their life? My great grandmother and grandfather lived with my aunt for the last five years of their lives. I saw the strain and the hardships that that put on the family; However, I know they would have had it no other way. They were happy to help, and so was my family as we took care of them. It is hard, but if we choose to take on that responsibly, we certainly can’t abuse that responsibility (Novak, 2012).
To prevent abusing older loved ones, I think it will be important to know what I can handle and what I cannot. I think that sharing the responsibility of taking care of my parents can be split between my brothers and I. I also think that along with that, knowing when you need to ask for help and assistance is also important. When things get to difficult, I won’t be afraid to ask for more support from other loved ones. Lastly, I think taking time out for myself some will be helpful. Again, sharing the responsibility and then with that free time doing something to help myself relax. Maybe getting a pedicure or just a hot bath.
Knowing the signs of elder abuse will not only help me to see whose being abused so that I can report the abuse. Some big signs