Malnutrition: Malnutrition is very common amongst elderly people, as they tend to dramatically lower their food intake, especially after losing a partner. Elderly people will often eat small meals infrequently, rather than sit down and eat proper meals they have cooked.
Fluid intake: Paired with malnutrition, however less common, fluid intake can dramatically drop due to elderly people just not wanting to eat or drink, especially when losing a partner.
Vitamin D: Elderly people tend to go outside less, and expose themselves to less sunlight. Plus, older skin is not as efficient at producing Vitamin D compared to younger skin. Without Vitamin D, the bones cannot produce …show more content…
To help combat the risks of these conditions and diseases, Elderly Australians can:
• Consume more calcium for bone strength
• Consume less salt, and less basic sugars to prevent diabetes and high blood pressure
• Consume plenty of dietary fibre, by eating more fruit and vegetables, to maintain proper bowel function and reduce the risk of colon cancer
• Remember to eat proper meals every day, based around breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so as to remain properly nourished
• Eat less oily and fatty foods, particularly the trans and sat-fats
Outline a 3-day meal plan that could be used to help improve the nutritional needs of this age group. This should be in a table format and should include, breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper as well as the types of fluid that they should have over the day.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast -Glass of milk
-Any high fibre cereal (all bran, weetbix, etc.) -Glass of orange juice
-Spinach, tomato, onion, and chicken omelette -Glass of Tea or coffee
-Warm oatmeal or porridge, topped with berries
Morning Tea -1 piece of …show more content…
candy and sugary sweets will have a very poor impact on energy levels and overall wellbeing
Fats 80g 55g
70g 50g
Dietary Fibre 30g 25g Very important to regulate proper bowl movement and colon function
Calcium 1300mg 1300mg Calcium needs to increase as age increases, to help keep bones strong and prevent diseases like osteoporosis
Sodium 600mg 550mg Sodium levels should decrease for elderly people, so as to lower risk of heart disease and high blood