I. Statement of Purpose and Hypothesis: Our purpose for this project was to find out what fruits and vegetables could generate an electric charge. We also wanted to find out which ones had the greatest and least charge. Our hypothesis stated that the potato would have the greatest charge. II. Methodology: The materials we used for this project were the fruits and vegetables and an amp meter to measure the current flow in them. We learned the difference between electrical charge and conductivity. We measured the electrical charge first and the conductivity second. First, we looked for current flow in each of the fruits and vegetables using the micro amp scale on the meter. Second, we measured resistance in each of the fruits and vegetables using the ohms scale on the meter. For the second procedure, we took measurements in the fruit or vegetable with the probes both close together and far apart, because we wanted to find out how much the resistance increases as you move them farther apart. Finally, we graphed and charted our findings. III. Analysis of Data: The fruit or vegetable that had the strongest current flow was definitely the lemon with 2 micro amps. The least was the red potato with 0 micro amps. In terms of the resistance measured in ohms, the potato had the highest resistance rating with the probes close together
I. Statement of Purpose and Hypothesis: Our purpose for this project was to find out what fruits and vegetables could generate an electric charge. We also wanted to find out which ones had the greatest and least charge. Our hypothesis stated that the potato would have the greatest charge. II. Methodology: The materials we used for this project were the fruits and vegetables and an amp meter to measure the current flow in them. We learned the difference between electrical charge and conductivity. We measured the electrical charge first and the conductivity second. First, we looked for current flow in each of the fruits and vegetables using the micro amp scale on the meter. Second, we measured resistance in each of the fruits and vegetables using the ohms scale on the meter. For the second procedure, we took measurements in the fruit or vegetable with the probes both close together and far apart, because we wanted to find out how much the resistance increases as you move them farther apart. Finally, we graphed and charted our findings. III. Analysis of Data: The fruit or vegetable that had the strongest current flow was definitely the lemon with 2 micro amps. The least was the red potato with 0 micro amps. In terms of the resistance measured in ohms, the potato had the highest resistance rating with the probes close together