A short circuit is a circuit that has zero resistance. Any components in parallel with a short circuit has zero volts across it, and all the current goes through the short circuit. It is often referred to as a short. Characteristics of a short circuit included the resistance of the shorted component is extremely low. The current through the short-circuit current path is extremely high. This high current may cause a circuit fuse to open or some other component to open. The voltage across the shorted component is extremely low.…
1.3.6 Electrical circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…
What is an electrical circuit? How can you manipulate components and design a circuit that will do what you want it to? This guided activity will introduce you to some components, tools, and concepts that are fundamental in electronics. It will allow you to investigate and discover:…
1. Name and describe the components needed to make a complete circuit. You would need a bulb(converts electrical energy to radiant energy), a battery(possible power source), a switch(used to connect and disconnect the circuit), a buzzer(converts electrical energy to mechanical energy), a motor(converts electrical energy to mechanical energy), a resistor(slow down electron movement), a voltmeter(measures the voltage) and an ammeter(measures the current in unit amperes).…
Electrical circuit - an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow.…
* Current: The current at any point in the circuit equals the current at all other points. The value of current depends on the source voltage and the total circuit resistance.…
1. Name and describe the components needed to make a complete circuit. A complete circuit requires a battery, wires and a light bulb.…
A circuit is the link that provides the physical means by which data are transferred.…
electrical circuit. The electrons then do work, such as to run an electric motor. Then the electrons…
Combination circuit is a circuit whose output is solely determined by its input values. In a Sequential circuit a circuit whose output is a function of its input values and the current state of the circuit.…
In the passage "Energy Story" it explains the basis of how electricity works. The purpose of this is to teach you about protons, neutrons, electrons, etc. it teaches you the negative, positive charges and how it works. Also includes things like conductors and insulators. Some examples of this is like how copper, aluminum and steel are good conductors or how rubber, plastic, and glass are great for insulating electricity. Some experiments that are shown in this passage is making positive and negative charges by using unbalanced or balanced electrons and protons.…
Student Exploration Circuits Vocabulary ammeter, circuit, current, electron, ohmmeter, Ohms law, parallel circuit, resistance, resistor, series circuit, voltage Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) Strings of holiday lights can be designed in one of two ways. In some strings of lights, each light is connected to the others along a single wire (in series). In others, each light is attached to its own wire (in parallel). Suppose a single light bulb burns out. How do you think this will affect lights that are strung along a single wire All the lights go out How will a single burned-out bulb affect the string of lights if each light is attached to its own wire Only that single light goes out Gizmo Warm-up The Circuits Gizmo shows a circuit board and a variety of components. Create a circuit with a battery, a light switch, a wire, and a light bulb, as shown. (Click the light switch to turn it to OFF.) Click the light switch to turn it to ON. What happens The light turns on Turn on Show current and select Electron flow. The moving dots represent a current of electronstiny, negatively charged particlesmoving through the wire. Voltage is a measure of how much more potential energy an electron at one end of a battery has than an electron at the other end of the battery. . How does changing the batterys voltage affect the current Changing voltage doesnt effect the current How does changing the batterys voltage affect the brightness of the light The more voltage, the brighter the light Remove the wire. What happens The current stops Activity A Ohms lawGet the Gizmo ready Click Clear. Create the circuit shown at right. (Use the 10 ohm resistor.) Click on the battery. Set the Selected battery voltage to 10 volts. Introduction Resistors are devices that slow the flow of current in a wire. The resistance of the circuit to current is measured in units called ohms. Question What is the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance Form…
Batteries have three parts to them, an anode, a cathode, and an electrolyte. The cathode and the anode are hooked up to an electrical circuit. The chemical reaction that is happening causes the electrons to build up at the anode. When the circuit is closed the electrons will be able to get to the cathode. When the electrochemical process change the chemicals in the anode and cathode it makes them stop supplying electrons. So that’s why there's a limited amount of power in a battery.…
Inside an atom there is a nucleus and electrons that orbit around it. In many metals, the atoms have electrons that can detach from the atom and move around. These are called free electrons. Most metals, gold, silver, copper, all have free electrons. These electrical “conductors” make it easy for electricity to flow through them because of these free electrons. Electricity needs these conductive materials to move from place to place and to get electricity to move requires an electrical generator.…
The energy supplied by the potential difference is delivered to the circuit by the electric current flowing through the circuit. The current in a metal is actually a flow of electrons (tiny particles that are part of an atom.)…