The Role of Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchange in the Delivery of Quality Healthcare
R Arku
Community College of Allegheny County
Health Information Technology, Cohort 5
January 14,2011
Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Quality Definition 6 Data Collection Challenges 7 Electronic Records and its influence on quality 9 Data Infrastructure – Performance Measurement Foundation 11 Quality Measurements and Data Extraction 11 Going Forward 12 Conclusion – EHRs Preparations 12 References 13
Policy makers, Physicians, Clinicians and other health workers have in recent years, changed their demand for health information data due to changing trends in demand by clinicians and consumers for healthcare information. A very critical issue in clinical work processes is the handling of large quantities of data. There is therefore the need for well-defined communication and analysis of clinical information without which healthcare professionals and will not benefit from existing knowledge in certain areas of healthcare.
Health Information Exchange and Electronic Health Records are essential for the continuity of care for patients and necessary for healthcare providers to be able to share documentation and communicate information readily with Electronic Health Records (EHR). This demand has led to the need to promote healthcare standards and to allow for use of electronic health records and health information exchange to promote quality health care. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview on the role of Health Information Exchange and Electronic Health Records in provision of quality healthcare.
A blend of socio-economic, technological and political factors has brought pressure to bear on healthcare providers to put measures in place that will promote efficient and quality healthcare delivery both at the federal and state levels. The purpose of this
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