retrieve information in the patients record. It can also be used to alert healthcare providers to possible medication reactions1. One of the major benefits of electronic health records is that many medical errors from indecipherable handwriting of the physicians can now be eliminated when the provider makes their entries electronically1. The time saved by using electronic medical records will be better invested in patient care. Before physicians would spend a great deal of time charting, now those extra minutes can be spent with the patient1. EHR also allows patients to look up portions of their medical record online. They can access lab results, immunizations, medications and even surgeries. Lab results can be available same day or next morning for patients. Prescription medications can be ordered through these new technologies3. Allowing patients to do this makes life a little easier for them1. One of the chief disadvantages to electronic health records is that the startup costs are extremely high.
Not only do providers have to buy equipment but efforts must be taken to transfer all the paper charts to electronic form. Further training on the software adds additional costs in paying for trainers. Unfortunately the new technology will cause even the best nurses and doctors to struggle, diverting their attention and focus away from the most important thing, the patient. Along with technology come glitches and frozen computers, causing delays in the schedule. One concern many people have is about the safety and security of their records, which by HIPAA should be confidential. Hackers are people who illegally obtain access to a computer network. They may be able to penetrate electronic health records despite all the security precautions. This would then give the hacker ability to release confidential information to
others2. With every disadvantage comes an advantage. At the end of the day electronic medical records are a good change in the medical field. Allowing the doctor more time with the patients and less errors will surely give practices a good name. Secure passwords can be used to prevent a hacker from getting your confidential information. It would be no different than having a debit card with a pin you need to enter anytime you use it. Electronic health records are still new to the medical fields, so next time you’re at a doctor’s appointment remember to be patient with the receptionist or medical assistant as they are still learning.