Definition of Electronic Office Electronic office is a modern office fused together with computer systems and information technology to handle present days demanding office work.
Definition of Traditional Office
Traditional office is an old office where office work was done or recorded by handwritten or typewritten means in papers.
Types of Electronic Office
There are many kinds of electronic offices seen operating in today’s corporate world. The types of electronic offices are as follows: 1) Banks 11) Accounting Firms 2) Post offices 12) Law Firms 3) Supermarkets 13) Engineering Firms 4) Educational Institutes 14) Construction Company 5) Hospitals 15) Information Technology Company 6) Factories 16) Advertising Company 7) Shopping Malls 8) Hotels 9) Airports 10) Railway stations
Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Office
* “Paperless office”, the use of papers for recording is mostly eliminated. Hence there is no need to purchase papers and cost is reduced. * Office work is speedy with the help of modern telecommunication equipments. Documents, information and records are processed efficiently * Time is saved as office workers can access/refer to information quickly. * Reduced office space. No need for cabinets and drawers. Information can be stored in hard disks. * Communication can be done at amazingly fast rate with help of modern equipments and technology( telephone, internet, fax)
Disadvantages * Computers, telecommunication equipments and software applications which are costly are essential for electronic office to function properly. Therefore it is expensive to set up an electronic office.