
Organizational EMR Change

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Organizational EMR Change

HCS 587

Organizational EMR Change
A small medical office is expanding organizationally but not in the space department. Some changes need to be made to employ space more efficiently in the most cost-effective route. Switching medical records electronically from paper is a route that improves the function of the facility and also resolves the space issue. Paper records are common in most health care facilities, but because the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 majority of the facilities are switching over to Electronically Medical Records (EMR’s). Paper records are bulky and require ample storage space that continually grows; many states request holding
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The Goal-Setting theory relates to the implementation of installing an EMR system. The idea is that if specific attainable goals are set that an individual will apply him or herself more comparing to a vague goal set. According to Latham and Locke, the process follows three steps for success; setting the goal, obtaining goal commitment, and providing support elements (Borkowski, 2005). Setting the goal of using a new EMR system is the organizations priority and training the staff too also is the challenge. The system is definitely a learning process that will take time to learn fluidly. Coworkers and other forms of assistance will make the process easier to learn for individuals with self-confidence issues. The next step is obtaining the goal commitment. The management must support the staff with incentives to learn. Although the new system will benefit in the end, the immediate return is not present. The manager can secure the staffs participation by offering rewards including monetary gain, recognition, or self-confidence boosts. These strategies assist in employees achieving the goals and helping reassuring future goals are acquirable. The third step is providing support elements; “Managers must ensure that employees have adequate resources (e.g., financial, equipment, time, assistance, etc.) to reach their goals” (Borkowski, 2005, p. …show more content…

The theory helps the management gauge, which forms of reinforcement excel the organizations process. The positive reinforcement is a specific aspect that assists the management and staff in making the change. Incentives for the staffs’ progress help the staff’s behavior focus on the goals. Verbally thanking the staff is an appraisal that helps tremendously. Other forms of praise include holding a special luncheon, recognition in the company newsletters, or even a parking space. The remaining aspects of the reinforcement theory will not practice because the outcomes are against the main goal; these include negative, punishment, and extinction (Borkowski, 2005).
Some resources necessary to ensure the transition will flow smooth are put into place by the upper staff. The manager is one of the prime resources an employee can depend on. He or she will be managing the delegation, problems, and success of the operation. “Seeking ongoing feedback from participants as a way to refine training activities and monitor overall progress” (Achieving Diversity, 2011, p. 1). Other resources available include consultants, trainers, technicians, and support committees. Each resource will possess the knowledge to help the staff with the changing

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