Today in the aggressively competitive market and fluid environment, employers of all kind of organisations are struggling to deal with discovering human resource, how to maintain people asset effectively and developing employee’s skills to capture success in the future. Comparing to 1980s last century when organisation’s target attached special importance to the quality products and services for the consumer. In the 1990s focused on of speed, so now in the 21st century it has been changing world of work which are flexible working arrangement, penetrated diversity, greater outsourcing and off souring(Leitschuh, 2005). In order to adapt with the new change, people management known as human resources management needs to figure out the answer for demands of shortage of people with right skills and how to improve job satisfaction and work life balance in the work place.
This essay concentrates on management at non-managers and all activities point out implementation of personal work. The effective people management plays a vital role to make an important contribution to the organisation success. In organisation the formal structure is divided base on division of purpose such as production, marketing, finance, research and development, division of product or service, division of location. Members of staff in different frame work related to each other therefore the role of people management is to conduct the relationship and interaction within different jobs of organisation. The more efficient the management of people is the more effective the organisation operates.
Accordingly the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development highlighted that: “people management represent the catalytic condition that combines other factors into a formula for high performance.” The high performance of people management mentions the rank of techniques that build
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