In the novel, Night, Elie Weisel tells the story of the Holocaust through his point of view. The quotation, "Everywhere rooms lay open. Doors and windows gaped into the emptiness. Everything was free for anyone, belonging to nobody. It was simply a matter of helping oneself. An open tomb. A hot summer sun." takes place when the Jews from one ghetto are moved into another. The significance of this quotation is that the Jews formerly living in the ghetto had had to abandon all of their belongings, leaving them open for anyone to take. When the other group of Jews were relocated into the abandoned ghetto, they had to use what the others had left behind. There is a sense of desolation and emptiness in the quote, especially when the quote states, "Doors and windows gaped into the emptiness." and "It was simply a matter of helping oneself. An empty tomb." The ghetto was transformed into a ghost town when the first group of Jews left, and was temporarily filled with life once again when the next group of Jews moved in. This quote is showing that the ghetto's emptiness is a continous…
Ta-Nehisi Coates poses an inquisition about how Whites haven't made the past right. Coates states simply that Whites never truely made it up to the Blacks for slavery. The Whites had just said, "we meant well" and moved on. Coates brings this up by comparing the Whites "good intentions" to a sleeping pill. The idea of "good intention" is seen throughout history, not just American but worldwide. But how could one apologize for the past and make it right with those wronged? It's near impossible question to answer. Because how does one apologize for something that is like slavery?…
Elie Wiesel crafted the beginning of his speech by entering with a sympathetic tone as his mentions his experience of the day the Americans had recused him to obtain the audience’s trust. However, he switches to a critical tone asks multiple rhetorical questions with answers in order to arise the audience curiosity of what the answer might be and mention America’s downside of their history in order to gain more credibility and to lean towards the topic of indifference.…
In the beginning of the story life is going on normally, the Jews were not afraid of the Nazi party yet. They describe a poor beadle named Moishe. He was soon sent to a “work” camp by the germans. When he came back he described the morbid events that happened the camp. This quote is one of the descriptions of what they did to the Jews.…
Novelist, Elie Wiesel, in his memoir, “Night,” reflects his tragic childhood living through the Holocaust. Wiesel exposes the horrors of the Holocaust so that it will never be forgotten. He uses imagery, metaphor, and anaphora to evoke the pathetic appeal and intrigue his readers.…
Ellie Wiesel expressed in his speech how bystanders should take action when they see injustice of any sorts and not keep quiet. ¨Who would allow such crimes….How could the world remain silent¨(Wiesel), he tells the reader how everyone knew that they were suffering that people were dying and yet they did nothing to help but instead ignored it. He stresses how people should have done something to help them instead of ignoring them. Even if they…
1999 marks the year Elie Wiesel presents the White House with his speech “The Perils of Indifference.” A speech in which he clearly leaves his audience with the knowledge of indifference still being relevant in today’s world. Four years later genocide in Darfur occurs; the first genocide of the 21st century (Darfur Genocide). This genocide claims the lives of at least 300,000 innocent people. When rebellion arose in Darfur the Sudan “government responded… [by] beginning a genocidal campaign against civilians (Darfur Genocide).”…
During the 20th century, after the Allies liberated Europe of which was occupied by the Nazi Regime, many civilians of certain categories were released from Nazi concentration camps, which were expected to have the fate of extermination. However, these released civilians, or captives, did not have to endure such action (whereas ~15 million others had to endure), and one of them included Simon Wiesenthal, a former “slave laborer”, for camps such as Janowska, Plaszow, and Mauthausen. Wiesenthal, moreover, is well known for his activity with Nazi “witch” hunting after WWII. He sought to locate missing Nazi war criminals due to their affiliations with concentration camps throughout Europe. Wiesenthal became associated with the United States Army, using their documentation to track down war criminals, hoping for righteousness in justice.…
Being unhappy should be enjoyed by everyone. We must experience a wide range of emotions in order to learn how to handle everything life throws at us. According to Bernard in Brave New World, ‘[he would] rather be unhappy than have the sort of false, lying happiness that he was having here”, (179) this quote means that he would rather be unhappy than live in a happy lie. This book describes a utopian world yet there’s a quote in the book that is in direct conflict with the “utopian” world they are living in.…
Elie Wiesel survived the Holocaust and went on to to write a book about it. He then won the Nobel Peace Prize. Wiesel developed a scar on his life when he was in multiple concentration camps during the Holocaust. He did survive and went on to write a book about his traumatic experience. Continuing after the book, he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Upon winning, he wrote an acceptance speech for the award. The speech wasn’t tedious, it had a strong purpose that he wanted the world to be effected by.…
Recently, I have completed reading your autobiographical novel, Night in Religion class. I had a wonderful time reading your book in defiance that you encountered many unfortunate events. I know I can never understand what you underwent; however, I do possess a great deal of sympathy for you and hope that you have had a wonderful life after the Holocaust. Your life in the concentration camp, expressed through your book has exceptionally inspired myself and my classmates. You are a major inspiration and leader for people going through difficult times in their life. I am very thankful that you wrote your book and I was given the opportunity to read it. I will never forget the intense moments in your book as they are tremendously impactful.…
4. Wiesel reports that after Buchenwald was liberated, the prisoners had no thoughts of revenge. Is this surprising?…
Silence exists as an absolute in a metaphysical sense, the enemy of many is silence, the silence of enemies, the silence of bystanders and the silence of those who could not be heard. In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, silence was one of the appalling reasons was so many Jewish people were killed during the holocaust. Silent is what the US was during the mass murder of Jewish civilians, what the people in nearby towns were when they knew what was going on, but refused to acknowledge what was going on and silent is what all the dead Jews are now. The Holocaust taught us to not be silent when other people are in need.…
Genocide, a word that has affected millions yet it’s a crime that has never been committed. Millions have been killed due to a belief that they are subordinate as a group, yet genocide has not ever been declared. With over 10 million dead, where are the survivors? What compelled them to persevere and strive towards survival? Well, Elie Wiesel lived to tell the story. Elie tells about his struggles in his novel called Night. He speaks upon what had happened to him and his family in the holocaust, and what ultimately led him to living through the holocaust. The reason he is alive today and was able to tell the story, is because of his persistence to live, his mental strength to keep going, and his overall grit to become one of the historic survivors that he is today.…
The passage that begins with, “Never shall I forget…” in the book Night by Elie Wiesel follows after Eliezer witnesses innocent children being tossed into the flames of the crematorium. This passage is written like a poem or a lament and employs multiple literary techniques to emphasize its meaning and tone.…