1. Emergency personnel- Fill in the blank with WHO will do that task or fill it out with the appropriate information, then DELETE these instructions. Roles within the Emergency Team
1. Establish scene safety and immediate care of the athlete _________________________
2. Activation of the Emergency Medical System ________________________________
3. Emergency equipment retrieval ____________________________________
4. Direction of EMS to scene _______________________________________
Activating the EMS System _______________________________________
Making the Call:
· 9-911 (if available)
· notify campus police at _______________
· telephone numbers for local police ___________________________________ fire department ________________________________ ambulance service ______________________________
Providing Information:
· name, address, telephone number of caller
· nature of emergency, whether medical or non-medical *
· number of athletes
· condition of athlete(s)
· first aid treatment initiated by first responder
· specific directions as needed to locate the emergency scene
· other information as requested by dispatcher
2. Emergency communication- How will you work together? Walkie Talkies/Cell Phones/Laminated Numbers List?remember that at large venues or inside gymnasiums cell phones will often not work. Write it out! DELETE these instructions after finishing.
3. Emergency equipment- What will you have available? AED/Basic First Aid Kit/Backboard? Where will it be and who will be in charge of it?DELETE these instructions after finishing.
4. Roles of first responder- “plan”this should left as is, DELETE these instructions after