A Summary of Emotional Intelligence
The knowledge that was gained from the Emotional Intelligence Quiz allowed me to evaluate myself as a manager for Complete Lab Solutions. In evaluating the emotional intelligence quiz, my EI score is; “high, adept at dealing with social or emotional conflicts expressing feelings, and dealing with emotional situations” (Cherry, 2012). According to Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso, emotional intelligence is defined as “the capacity to reason about emotions, and emotions to enhance thinking. It includes the ability to accurately perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth” (Salovey, Mayer & Caruso, 2004, 197). This test suggests that based on my high EI there is always room for improvement, and reevaluate the areas that are deficient; contemplate on ways to improve. An exceptional leader must possess a combination of emotional and intellectual intelligence respectively; to achieve success in the workplace. Using the knowledge that I have learned from taking this test will help me become a more effective manager. In contrast, a good team manager must be a good team player. Managers possess many roles, and must recognize the five personality traits of each team member. The example follows a team player “Tamara”, whose phone etiquette was not suitable for an individual whose job is a receptionist. Tamara personality is one of rigidness, and argumentative; she is unaware that she was being rude. As her immediate supervisor, we discussed her ability to communicate effectively with customers; addressing calls appropriately during conversations with the clients. Manager understood that she has an agreeableness personality trait; and it was