So this is a story of a boy who got straight As in both his PMR and SPM, was awarded a scholarship to study in Imperial College London, got a First-Class honors in his Final Year Examinations, finished his PhD in Medical Sciences and on his first job interview, he failed miserably. Why is that so? How can a man of such great intelligence fail? The answer is simple, he did not have the character, drive not to mention personality failed to reach the requirements or he failed to establish a rapport with his future employers. All of this scientific mumbo-jumbo may be confusing you so I will ask you a simple question.
Do academic achievements determine success? Do you think by fully grasping curricular knowledge you will be the prominent one in the future? I'll answer it for you now. No. Absolutely not. All the paperwork and crap does not show who you really are and what you’re made of. Intelligence does mean a lot, you might think that it means you are better than anyone else. No, neither does the amount of Degree or PhD certificates or some other “professional qualification” you obtain in your life will show you who you are or what you're made of, all of this is made irrelevant the moment you stepped through the door of the interview room. They brought you there, now it's your personality that has to do the job, Good morning ladies and gentleman, I’m here to tell you today that what truly determines a person’s worth is Emotional Intelligence.
According to psychologists John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey, two of the leading researchers on the topic, emotional intelligence (EI) is "the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions."
So, what does it mean by ‘monitoring one’s own feelings?’ Does it mean controlling our senses and come to a point of conclusion that we are who we are? No. It means much more than just that. People