Emotion is one of the most important “if not the most important” element that greatly affect’s an individual’s personality. To understand one’s feelings and emotions is a must or necessity as one proceeds in ones daily life.
Having a proper environment in the family dynamics plays a big part in a child’s behavioral development. So as they can establish an assured emotional function as they go about with there day to day activities in the society.
It is no longer shocking to know and hear the enlarging population of children that were born out of wedl1ock. This is a fact!!! Not a statistic - These so called “love children” “bastards” have been judge by world for the so called sins of their parents not conforming to the standard social norms… This people suffer a deeper scar than most just by living with this stigma, which can affect a normal person greatly, far worse for this individual…with either low self-esteem, pretentious over confidence, or being belligerent. As experience will tell us, we know and have seen the introvertive reaction or the destructive extrovertive tendencies of people who suffer form this kind of emotional stress. .
The researchers want to determine if the variable of emotional quotient such as belligerent, vicious, timid and depressed has a significant relationship to the norms of the society. Hence the study conducted.
Emotional Quotient (EQ) relates to the ability or skill to understand, evaluate and manage the emotions of one’s self and others. I.Q. is said to be set in stone, no matter when you take an I.Q. test you will receive, basically the same score. E.Q. however, is not set in stone. You can take E.Q. tests at different points in your life and find out that it has increased or decreased significantly. The basic reason is that the strength or weakness of emotions is affected by the age factor and environment (Komal