Developing an
Employee Engagement Strategy
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usiness leaders have long recognized that attracting and
company profit, employee turnover and occurrence of safety
retaining top talent is critical for organizational success.
incidents.2 Given that engagement affects organizational
Over the past two decades, organizations have increasingly
outcomes that relate directly to the bottom line, companies
focused on employee engagement as a way to maximize
that ignore employee engagement risk putting themselves at
the capabilities and talent of their human capital. This is
a competitive disadvantage.
not surprising, as the benefits of employee engagement for
Though many organizations conduct engagement
organizations are clear. A recent summary of engagement
surveys, a survey alone will not increase employee
research found that not only are engaged employees better
engagement. To attain the best results, employers
performers but engagement enhances employees’ job
should create an overall engagement strategy that goes
performance in unique ways. Additionally, high levels of
beyond simply measuring engagement scores. Although
engagement are related to important business outcomes,
organizations are often highly proficient in collecting data,
including customer satisfaction, employee productivity,
many fail to interpret the information correctly and to create
actionable recommendations for improving engagement.3
What Is Employee Engagement?
Developing an engagement strategy helps avoid these pitfalls by describing what will happen after the survey is conducted.
There are three parts to employee engagement:
Physical. Employees exert high levels of energy to complete their work tasks.
Implementing an Engagement Strategy
Emotional. Employees put their heart into their
Depending on your organization’s staff size,